Pam Lakhpuri
Haemoglobinoathy Community Counsellor
Pam graduated with a BSc Hons in Health studies in 1999, she joined the organisation in October 2000 as a Thalassaemia Development officer.
She then moved to London in May 2003 and worked for Islington & Camden PCT as a screening project officer for Breast, Cervical & Bowel screening programmes. She further then graduated with a MA in 2006 in Public Health/Promotion.
Pam returned back to the organisation and re-joined the project in Dec 2009 as a Haemoglobinopathy Community Counsellor.
Pam works closely with all our affected families from 0-19 years. One of her main roles is to support and advise families who are affected by Haemoglobinopathies. This includes ensuring families know how to manage the care of their children. She ensures all social, physical and emotional needs are supported and appropriate advice is provided to families. She liaises and works closely with all other agencies, who may be involved with our families to ensure all our families needs are met. She supports all families whilst in the hospital including any admissions, discharges and hospital appointments. Pam works closely providing support, advice, training and information with all child care/ educational settings, all Primary care providers, and community and voluntary organisations, including any faith organisations etc.
Pam ensures all of our affected children attending a childcare/educational provider have a Health care plan in place. These can be updated as and when required.
As we work closely with the NHS Sickle cell & Thalassaemia screening programme, Pam ensures all neonatal carrier results in the areas we cover are delivered and information via counselling is provided to our families.
Pam has accessed and continues to attend all relevant and professional training to ensure her knowledge and understanding of Haemoglobinopathies is accurate and regularly updated.
Pam has a vast amount of experience, knowledge has a huge passion for tackling health and social inequalities in the community so that our families are best supported.